
French retro-chic kid-wear fashion in fair-trade for boys and girls from 2 to 16 years old

La Faute à Voltaire (LFAV)  name & concept is directly inspired from the hero of the novel “Les Miserables” written by “Victor Hugo” in the XIX century.

Because of his bravery, Gavroche has quickly become the icon of the Parisian kid soul and therefore Gavroche typical clothing style (large pants, cap and scarf around the neck) also is synonym of the retro Parisian kid style.

 In the musical adapted from the novel, Gavroche is singing several songs, the most famous one “the song of Gavroche” is untitled LA FAUTE À VOLTAIRE.


LFAV style is not limited to Gavroche clothing style but gets its inspiration from various children classical icons such as Charlie Chaplin, Tom Sawyer or Sarah Kay illustration. 

Chrystelle MARTIN, the creator of LFAV who grew up in Paris, also lived overseas during 15 years (Vietnam and England). Chrystelle peticular style loves to pay tribute to heroes of her French childhood but she also loves to refer to other cultures and often mix and twist her French Parisian style to Asian and other classics.


Because our children always grow faster than our purses, LFAV clothes are often designed to grow with children.  « a long pant become a knickers, a coat becomes a jacket and dresses become blouses. Thus, a pièce of cloth can be used for two or three years in different manners”. 

PRODUCTION ETHIC: in the respect of the principles of Fair Trade

LFAV is also the story of a close relationship with a family workshop in Vietnam training Vietnamese ladies to sew from their home so they can look after their family. 


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