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Available for little ones from birth to 6 years of age. Marie de Beauregard is now in charge of the brand. In three words, Les Enfantines is couture, whimsical and sweet.Refined and dreamy, the universe of Les Enfantines transports your little ones into a poetic fairy-tale.

The couture house has reinvented your favourite classics in soft luxurious fabrics.Les Enfantines invites you to create various outfits that are trend setting and elegant. Les Enfantines also features a collection for your most precious occasions. Silk, organza and lace from Calais, delicately put together to create a collection traditionally made for celebrations and baptisms that can be passed on from one generation to another.

With a sweet tooth and an acquired taste for delicacies (naturally) came along the delicate fabrics and delicate colours all sweetly packed away in soft pink, mint, chocolate, white and a "La Durée" blue coloured boxes.


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